1. 長度依馬達不同而變更 and the motor lid is optional accessory 2. 適用馬達: 50W, 100W 3. 外置SENSOR安裝(可選擇R右側或L左側) 4. Take off the side cover, then brush the chassis grease on the ball screw.
SENSOR 出線號數如下:
JDBNS-65 間接式規格表-2L
1. 適用馬達: 50W, 100W 2. 外置SENSOR安裝(R右側) 3. Take off the side cover, then brush the chassis grease on the ball screw.
SENSOR 出線號數如下:
JDBNS-65 間接式規格表-2R
1. 適用馬達: 50W, 100W 2. 外置SENSOR安裝(L左側) 3. Take off the side cover, then brush the chassis grease on the ball screw.
SENSOR 出線號數如下:
JDBNS-65 間接式規格表-2B
1. 適用馬達: 50W, 100W 2. 外置SENSOR安裝(可選擇R右側或L左側) 3. Take off the side cover, then brush the chassis grease on the ball screw.