全密式滾珠螺桿滑台(寬扁型滑軌) JDBNS-50
Dust-proof Type for Cleanroom
馬達容量: 100W
適用馬達 AC-100W / 220V
滑軌與滑塊 MRU12 WN 寬扁型滑軌
額定扭矩 0.32 N.m
重覆精度 ± 0.01mm
滾珠螺桿外徑 (mm) ø12, ø16
螺桿導程 (mm) 2 5 10
最高速度 (mm/sec) 100 250 500
最大荷重 (kg) 水平 16 14 10
垂直 10 8 5
光電開關 型號 672 x 3 pcs
負載力矩表 (N.m)  Ma: 30.1 N.m
 Ma: 17.5 N.m
 Ma: 17.5 N.m
JDBNS-50 直接式規格表-1

1. 長度依馬達不同而變更 and the motor lid is optional accessory
2. 適用馬達: 50W, 100W
3. 外置SENSOR安裝(可選擇R右側L左側)
4. Take off the side cover, then brush the chassis grease on the ball screw.

SENSOR 出線號數如下:

  1. +LS
  2. HOME
  3. -LS
JDBNS-50 間接式規格表-2L

1. 適用馬達: 50W, 100W
2. We install the sensor on the (right side )
3. Take off the side cover, then brush the chassis grease on the ball screw.

SENSOR 出線號數如下:

  1. +LS
  2. HOME
  3. -LS
JDBNS-50 間接式規格表-2R

1. 適用馬達: 50W, 100W
2. We install the sensor on the (left side )
3. Take off the side cover, then brush the chassis grease on the ball screw.

SENSOR 出線號數如下:

  1. +LS
  2. HOME
  3. -LS
JDBNS-50 間接式規格表-2B

1. 適用馬達: 50W, 100W
2. 外置SENSOR安裝(可選擇R右側L左側)
3. Take off the side cover, then brush the chassis grease on the ball screw.

SENSOR 出線號數如下:

  1. +LS
  2. HOME
  3. -LS
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